Considered a job, it is difficult to live your life on the money of an artist's trade. This fact is explained by several reasons. Arguably, it is difficult in today's society to fit into such an elusive and unpredictable area or in the good sense that art and culture participate in economic life. Even more, the advancement and countless work in the internet makes up for or even suffices for audiences, hence they don't think about what really made them. We cannot also escape the overcrowding of artists resulting from competitiveness..
A large free buffet on the internet
It is because of the development of the Internet that artists are unable to make their works contribute to a comfortable living. Older works of art, paintings, sculptures and even the most recent music, films, books, can now be found online. More to that, they are devoid of hardware supports and accessible to everyone with a few clicks. Everyone can rejoice in this development especially the amateurs who enjoy free with large storage of his works of art. Some do not take this position as a scandal because it may help to disseminate their work while others see it as a threat..
the extremely big number of artists
The difficulty of living financially with the work of an artist is their excess. Art is slowly being lost in the days when creative talent was rare. In all the forms that art is expressed, artists today seem to develop in great quantity. This high number of artists creates a competitive situation that forces amateurs to choose between all that is considerable. If you're popular, it's easy to make money. But while a greater number of artists do not occupy their place in their work, some earn their living by teaching this subject while some do trades that have nothing to do with art..
Inequalities over and over again
Even in art that marks passion and beauty, there is always and again inequality. There are two categories of art creators in society. Very few artists make a good living from their work and more than that, he is very rich. Others are less well known with the limited access to media which does not even reach a large number of audiences and it’s hard to say one can live financially with one's work as an artist. On this point we should occupy other jobs.
In the same category